Publishing Frequency - twice monthly, usually around the 15th and 30th
November 15 , 2020
Vol.#16 Issue#24

Everything will be okay in the end.

If it's not okay, it's not the end.

12 Strand DNA Activation


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Omnidimensional Oracles
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Akashic Wisdom Retrieval

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The Third List:
Building a Stronger Immune System

In previous editions of this newsletter the topic was lists and how valuable they are as aids to help you create your bestest life. Once you begin to actively use them you'll wonder how you managed to navigate your world without them. I'm not talking about to-do lists and grocery lists. The lists I'm referring to are lists of things you can do to better your life and make your journey through it easier and more pleasant.

This list is the result of an experience I had with my own immune system. I'd gone to a dentist to have a tooth pulled and he insisted that I take antibiotics for a week afterward. I was resistant to the idea, knowing how they affect the immune system. They are, after all, anti biotic. But I acquiesed.

The first day I was on the drug I could feel my energy dropping. By the end of the week I was beginning to have severe bronchitis and sinusitis, digestive system issues, and yeast infections which resulted in UTIs. It took me six months of intense work to bring my immune system back up to almost where it had been before I took the antibiotics. During that time I used everything I had in my Immune System Improvement tool box.

This list is everything I did, used, and took during that time. It's a long list and I didn't do everything everyday. Neither do you need to do everything everyday, but doing some of the items each day will assist you in building a stronger immune system. I offer them in the hopes some or all may also help you strengthen your immune system. Please note that this is information about my own experiences. Use your own discretion and know that your results may vary from mine.

1. Tai Chi - stimulates internal organs, increases energy flow throughout the body, and boosts the immune system. Additionally, it is mentally relaxing and is often called a "moving meditation".
2. Walking - a 20 minute walk preferably mid-day gives the body exposure to sun that it needs for vitamin D. Brisk walking also strengthens the respiratory system with deep breathing, thus oxygenating the body.
3. Meditation - calms and relieves stress. If you don't have a favorite method or don't know how, there are guided meditations and visualizations available on CD and as downloads.
4. Qi Kung - a Chinese method of moving Chi, or life force energy within the body, stimulating vital organs and supporting the immune system.
5. Gardening - putting your hands in or on the earth connects you with Earth energy, which is very calming and soothing. Anything that calms you aids your immune system in functioning properly.
6. Dry Brushing - aids the Lymphatic System in moving toxins out of your body. Begin at the extremities - hands or feet - and with the palm of your hands brush lightly toward your center with long, gentle strokes. For example, brush from the wrist to the elbow, then from the elbow to the shoulder. Make sure to brush all surfaces of the limbs and brush ONLY toward your center.
7. Circular Deep Breathing - When you're feeling tense, anxious, angry, or any other such emotion, you subconsciously begin to breathe shallowly. This reduces the amount of oxygen your body receives, which reduces the effectiveness of your immune system. Consciously begin to breathe deeply by emptying your lungs, then slowly and gently inhale through your nose, bringing air deep into the bottom of your lungs. You should see your stomach extend as you do this. If not and your shoulders rise instead, you're shallow breathing. (Women: wearing a bra restricts your ability to fully open your lungs so you may need to work harder at this or else take off your bra.) Continue bringing air into your lungs, filling them from the bottom up to the top. When your lungs are completely filled, slowly release the air from the top of your lungs to the bottom. Repeat three times or more.
8. Soak in a bath - add a handful of Epsom Salts to warm or comfortably hot bath water to pull toxins out of your body.
9. Eat Organic - the more organic food you eat, the less energy your body has to use to fight against the effects of any chemicals in your food.
10. Drink LOTS of pure water - to help your body rid itself of toxins, drink plenty of pure water (no chlorine, fluoride, or other chemicals)
11. Do not use dryer sheets or fabric softeners - these products are loaded with chemicals, some of which are on the EPA Hazardous Materials list. The chemicals remain in your clothing and are rubbed off on your skin when you wear the clothes. Whatever goes on your body, goes into your body. Additionally, the fumes from these products are especially damaging to the respiratory system and can cause bronchitis, asthma, and other such ailments. Instead, use baking soda to remove odors and to soften fabrics, white vinegar to remove static cling, and woolen dryer balls in the dryer to remove wrinkles.

1. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Commonly known as "tapping", this method relieves disruptions in the body's energy system that are the cause of all negative emotions. Many previous studies have shown that emotions such as anger, fear, and stress can adversely affect the immune system. It only takes a few minutes to feel relief using EFT. Instructions here:
2. Flip Switching - Research has shown that over 90% of all conscious thought is actually subconscious programming. This method works to reprogram your subconscious to those thoughts beneficial to you. Simply shift your thought whenever you find yourself thinking negatively. It needn't be the opposite of the negative thought - just something that makes you feel happier and less stressed, fearful, or angry.
3. The Emotion Code - Created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, this quick and easy process releases trapped negative emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness from the body. Complete instructions are in his book, The Emotion Code.
4. Psych-K - This process re-writes the subconscious beliefs you hold that are controlling over 90% of your conscious thoughts. Those beliefs can easily create emotional imbalances which compromise the effectiveness of the immune system. A certified practitioner can guide you through the simple yet powerful process in person or during a phone session.
5. Music - Specific sounds and rhythms affect us emotionally, some beneficially and some detrimentally, and emotions affect the immune system. There are CDs and downloads of music that were created purposefully to calm and uplift the emotions. Two of my favorite sources are Jonathan Goldman and David Gibson. Their CDs and downloads are available online, as are many others.
6. Reiki -The healing art of Reiki sends Universal Life Force energy, also known as Chi, to certain areas in the body. This energy is of a higher vibration and as it courses through the physical body, it raises the vibration of all the cells in the body. This promotes balance and health in not only the physical body, but also in the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

1. Elderberry Extract - a dropper full in a glass of water each morning is my favorite way to start my day of supporting my immune system. My body even seems to crave it!
2. Vitamin D3 - Deficiency in vitamin D3 is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection. I used to take vitamin C to support my immune system, but discovered it was making my body too acidic and causing UTIs. A doctor told me to substitute D3 because it's not acidic and is more effective in supporting the immune system.
3. Herbal Extracts - My favorite is a few drops of HerbPharm Daily Immune Builder in a glass of water every day.
4. Herbal Teas - Nothing soothes like a hot cup of aromatic herbal tea. There are single teas and blends available. I use Traditional Medicinals because I like their blends and because they're organic. My favorites to help boost my immune system are Throat Coat and BreathEasy.
5. L-Lysine - is an amino acid that has been found to be effective in preventing and treating herpes virus, especially cold sores. It has been called a viral retardant that deters viruses from proliferating. L-lysine strengthens the immune system in the liver and aids in some of that organ's most important functions. When taken with acidophilus, it's effectiveness is enhanced, according to a pharmacist who informed me about cold sores and Lysine years ago.
6. Probiotics - Although there are kajillions of types of probiotics in pill form, I prefer to eat my probiotics in yogurt. Nancy's Probiotic Organic Yogurt with 41 billion units per serving and 11 different strains is my favorite. Whatever form you prefer, probiotics are an important part of a strong immune system. They enhance the health of your digestive system and some say they aid in reducing allergies.

Essential Oils
I use several different essential oils every day. They have no side effects and they smell good. Name one pharmaceutical drug that can make those claims! I use Young Living Essential Oils because I believe they are the highest quality of oils available. They are steam-distilled, which means there are no chemicals used in the distillation process and thus no chemical residue in the oils. They are organic and are laboratory tested to conform to Therapeutic Grade, the highest grade of oils. For immune system support I use the following blends and single oils:

1. Thieves - this oddly-named oil blend was created from research based on legends about a group of 15th Century thieves who rubbed oils on themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead and dying. The thieves were caught and brought before the king, who forced them to share the secret of their formula of spices, herbs, and oils that they used to protect themselves.
2. Egyptian Gold
3. Exodus II
4. ImmunePower - I apply it to the bottoms of my feet on reflexology points
5. Purification
6. Raven
7. RC - the initials stand for Respiratory Congestion
8. Release - I use 3 or 4 drops in the bath to help to release toxins. As a bonus it smells beautiful.

Single Oils:
1. Clove - highly antiviral
2. Frankincense
3. Idaho Balsalm Fir
4. Tea Tree Oil
5. Oregano - highly antiviral

Methods of application: diffuse; apply directly to wrists, temples, neck, on edge of ears, over heart, and on chakras; directly inhale; add 2 - 3 drops to your bath water (my favorite!). Clove and Oregano are "hot" oils and can cause skin irritation. Test on a small area and if burning occurs apply organic oil, such as olive oil, to the skin for relief. These oils may be used by diluting them 50/50 with an organic vegetable oil such as olive oil.

More information about the oils is available at the website:
Please use my member number 405708 as your referrer.

These books have proven valuable to me in helping me to learn about the relationship between the immune system and emotions/beliefs. All these books are available at

1. The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
2. Evolve Your Brain by Joe Dispenza
3. The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson
4. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay


Important note:

Information within this list is meant for educational and informational purposes only. The information contained in this article is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research and/or consultations in partnership with your health care provider.

The Energy of Love Meditation

The Energy of Love is a new energy that has been coming onto our planet only in recent years... and it's not what you think.

This energy is the source of all creation.

Not to be confused with the emotion we call love, the Energy of Love includes the emotion and yet is so much more. A forest is a beautiful thing and yet it is not the entire planet. Just so is the emotion of love a beautiful thing and yet it is not the entirety of the Energy of Love.

I was recently given a delightful Energy of Love guided meditation or visualization, during which you connect to the Energy of Love and fill your being with it.

Because we need more of the Energy of Love on our Earth now, I'm gifting the guided meditation to those who are drawn to experience it... so they might fill their being with the Energy of Love and radiate it to everyone and everything.

For more information and the link to instantly download the mp3 version of this meditation, click on this link:

More information here

(This link really works! In the last newsletter I had the wrong link. Sorry.)

Kathy Wilson, CPC

Phone: 360.437.9328